Below I have included co-president Jim Moore’s comments that are posted on our website.

It is with great sadness that I write to advise you of the death of our long-time class president and leader, Richard “Dick” Tatlow, on September 15, 2022. Dick was a loyal and devoted friend to all who knew him, to Cornell, and to our country. He held both a bachelor’s degree in engineering and an MBA from UVA, . As an undergraduate he was a member of Phi Gamma Delta and a cheerleader during the football season. Dick’s many friends recall him as a superb athlete and to some “an incredible dancer.” Dick served as an officer in the US Army including a tour in Vietnam during the war. Dick is survived by his wife Pat Whiskeman Tatlow, son Chip, and daughter Leslie, as well as several grandchildren.

Kind regards to all, 

Jim Moore, Class 1961 co-president 

Henrik Dullea reported from Ithaca. “Volunteer opportunities abound in Ithaca. I have just finished chairing the legislative redistricting commissions for both the City of Ithaca and Tompkins County.  Sally and I presently co-chair the Love Living at Home senior group, providing a wide range of services and programs for local elderly as part of the national Village to Village network. Our son, Erik '88, has just begun his latest public service engagement as Associate Counsel of the National Security Agency; grandson Joe '19 is serving as an Army helicopter pilot in Hawaii; and granddaughter Kaitlin '23 DVM just received her White Coat in a College of Veterinary Medicine ceremony. Sally's son Peter Ziegler Ph.D and his wife Kim Niewolny Ph.D. are both on the faculty of Virginia Tech.”


Peter Greenberg sent an email update as follows. “Our classmate, Bill Kornblum, who is a professor emeritus and taught for many years at the Graduate Center of the City University of NY (CUNY) wrote a terrific new non-fiction book entitled "Marseille Port to Port.” Bill was a fraternity brother of mine at Tau Delta Phi.  We (about 15-16 of us) have been meeting for an hour via "zoom" every month and most of us have found the conversations to be a lot of fun. We tune in from California, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico, New York, New Jersey, Florida and from Pennsylvania.  Lew Rothman is our "zoom master." Happy to report that a fourth generation Cornellian from our family, granddaughter Ariana Greenberg, joined the incoming freshmen in the College of 1Arts and Sciences this fall.”

Barbara Eckelmeyer writes from her home in Skillman, NJ.  She is now retired but is keeping fit with hiking, yoga, bocce, and aerobics. In addition to volunteering at the library she is involved at a farm owned by her sister and brother-in-law.  Also, May Lee Ling, living in Laguna Woods, CA, is retired but volunteering weekly as a church counselor.  May Lee enjoys travel with her family which includes 10 grandchildren.


Another class note from Phyllis Mark Turner who sends best wishes to Carol Gittlin Franklin.  Phyliss is splitting her time between Palm Beach Gardens, FL and Setauket, Long Island, NY.  This followed by Sheila Trassman noting her Friday Boca breakfasts each winter with a list of classmates including Dale Abrams Adams and others.


John Sundholm is retired from the USAF Civil Engineering Office residing in Eldred, NY.  “I’m still playing trumpet in two concert bands with big summer seasons.  Karol and I still take short camping trips with our travel trailer.  Too busy for new hobbies at this time.”

Diane Baillet Meakem continues her shuttle between Jupiter, FL (6 ˝ mo.) and Greenwich, CT . “I enjoy plying the piano, golfing, walking, reading for 2 book clubs and for my personal enjoyment.  I’m into gardening but no Bridge playing.  I’d rather be active outdoors.  My family includes four grand kids at Cornell, one at Harvard, one at Tufts and three already graduated.  Two are still in high school and 5 in grade school.  Grand total of 16!”


Ken Blanchard remains unretired.  “I’m helping run a 42 year old company that has been successful in helping people be better leaders around the world.  My tile is Chief Spiritual Officer.  I am the head cheerleader! I leave a morning message for everybody every day, praising folks and giving them some inspiration to keep up the good work.  This June Margie and I will be married for 60 years.  We met at Cornell and still consider it our home base.   Son Scott is a 5th generation Cornellian.  We are working on our 16 year grandson to be the 6th generation.  Wouldn’t that be special! 


And finally, we owe a special thanks to Marshall Frank, our ex-president,  for his significant efforts in making the Meinig Memorial a reality.  Marshall has been tireless in his commitment to both Cornell and our class for many years.


Please keep your news flowing to us.  Doug Fuss (email Doug); and Susan Williams Stevens (email Susan)